Welcome to my homepage. My name is Jungug Choi(최정욱). I am a professor of Political Science at Konkuk University in Seoul(For my online self-portrait, please watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra5Izy36lG0). I am a comparativist on political, social and economic issues in Asian democracies. All my published articles are downloadable free of charge by clicking on the respective links below. I completed two rounds of massive face-to-face surveys about popular support and opposition to reservation policy in India, whose data are available upon request.  Meanwhile, my latest interest moves back to my pre-doctoral research field, political thoughts.  I am particularly engaged in a 7-year NRF project of writing multiple volumes on history of the ideas of democracy in the West from the Greeks to Joseph Schumpeter. For any other comments or questions, feel free to email me at drchoi(no_spam)konkuk.ac.kr or eastandsouthasia(no-spam)yahoo.com.


*BA in Political Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 1989.

*MA in Political Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 1991.

*Ph.D. in Government at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas 2001.



1.   민주주의 고전 산책: 고대부터 근현대까지 Classic Texts on Democracy: From Ancient to Modern Times (서울: 박영사, 2024).


This volume both in Korean and in English is my new addition to the three-volume series of history of Western democratic ideas.  It includes some key classic texts on democracy from Herodotus to J. Schumpeter. The English and Korean texts are displayed side by side on the same page.


2.   (with 안도경, 김영수, 서희경, 고중용)1948 헌법을 만들다 (서울: 포럼, 2023 5).

This volume in Korean deals with the spirits of national foundation found in the debates of the 1948 constitutional assembly in Korea.

** 2024년 대한민국학술원 선정 우수도서(A 2024 Best Book of the National Academy of Sciences)



3.   서양 민주 개념 통사:고대편 (서울: 박영사, 2021).


This volume in Korean deals with history of the ideas of democracy in the West from Herodotus to Cicero. It is the first output of my 7-year project on the ideas of democracy in the West.

** 2022년 대한민국학술원 선정 우수도서(A 2022 Best Book of the National Academy of Sciences)



4.   인도의 사회적 취약층과 우대정책: 기타후진계층(OBC) 공직, 교육 정치부문 할당정책(서울: 글로벌컨텐츠, 2017).


This volume in Korean deals with the Indian style of affirmative action program or reservation policy for Other Backward Classes(OBC) in India.

** 2018년 대한민국학술원 선정 우수도서(A 2018 Best Book of the National Academy of Sciences)

** 2018 교육부 선정 우수연구성과 50 교육부총리상(2018 Best 50 National Research Outcome Award by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea).

5.   Votes, Party Systems and Democracy in Asia (London: Routledge, hardcopy 2012, paperback 2016).

This volume deals with electoral institutions, sociological variables, and their effects on voting behavior and party systems in India, Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia

** 2014 한국정치학회 학술상(도서부문) 수상작(Year 2014 Book Award by the Korean Political Science Association)

6.   Governments and Markets in East Asia: The Politics of Economic Crises(London: Routledge, 2006 hardcopy 2014 paperback).

This volume addresses the issues of political economy in Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand in the wake of the 1997-8 Asian economic crisis.

설문조사 자료 리포트(Indian Survey Reports)

Individual face-to-face Survey Reports: reservation policy in India[feel free to download the files below]

1.      "India Survey Report(2017)in English

2.      "India Survey Report(2018)"in English

동영상 강의와 대담(Lecture and Talk Video Files)

Invited talk on reservation in India

인도 공화국 수립 축사

interview with an Indian media


ARTICLES(all downloadable free of charge; just click on the link)

(with Hyun-Jik Jeong) "한국 대통령의 항목별 법률안거부권 불허의 역사적 기원: 제헌국회의 정거부 논쟁을 중심으로[W사1] 국제.지역연구 32:4(December, 2023, forthcoming).


"힌두민족주주의: 인도 민족국가 건설 이데올로기로서의 한계" 김찬완 최지연 편 『인도대전환의 실체와 도전』 4 (121-146) (서울: 씨아이알, 2023).

"러시아의 우크라이나 침공과 인도의 입장" Southeast Asia Issue Paper No. 11(March, 2022).

(with Hyun-Jik Jeong)"헌법 제1조의 민주 개념에 대한 제헌국회의 상충적 이해: 공화 개념과의 관계 설정 문제와 역사적 기원" 한국정치연구 31:1(February 28, 2022).

(with Kwanghun Park)"동아시아 5개국 제헌과정의 민주적 정당성 비교" 한국정치연구 30:1(February 28, 2021).

(with Jin-young Shin)"카스트 기반 사회통합정책에 대한 인도 대학생의 지지유형화와 유형별 특성 분석" 문화교류와 다문화 교육 9:4(September 30,2020)

(with Narender Kumar)"Reservation Policy for Backward Classes: Extent and Determinants of Support" Economic and Political Weekly(December 28, 2019)

"할당 비수혜 일반카스트집단의 할당제에 대한 태도의 다층적 분석: 인도  대학생 대면 설문조사 자료를 바탕으로" 국제.지역연구 28:3(September 2019).

"미국텍사스의 내신상위 10% 자동입학제와 지역격차 해소를 위한 대학입학정책" 기억과 전망 37:2(December 2017).

"인도 지정카스트와 기타후진계층 우대정책의 역사적 추진동기의 비교" 국제.지역연구 26:3(September 2017), 35-66


"The Influence of Poverty on the Politicization of Islam in Indonesia" Asian Survey 57:2(March 2017), 229-248.

"(with Eun Young Moon) 선거경합도와 투요율의 관계: 한국 역대 국회의원 선거 통합분석" 선거연구 7 (December 2016), 153-180.


" 새마을운동의 자발적 수용운동으로서 인도의 잔맙후미(Janmabhoomi) 사례연구" 농촌경제 38:4 (December 2015), 131-158

"인도의 사회적 취약층에 대한 우대정책의 사례연구: 기타후진계층(OBC) 대한 할당정책의 이해" 한국정치연구 (October 2014)

"인도네시아 정당체계의 연속성과 정치균열의 문제: 도시부문 설문조사를 바탕으로" 동남아시아연구 (October 2013)

"인도의 공공부문 할당제와 지정카스트의 정치세력화: 인도의 카스트 정치연구" 국제정치논총 (September 2013)

"근대 한국에서의 민주 개념의 역사적 고찰" 한국정치학회보 (March 2009)

"District Magnitude, Social Diversity, and Indonesia’s Parliamentary Party Systems from 1999 to 2009" Asian Survey (July/August 2010)

"Strategic Voting in India: Its Extent and Determinants in the 2004 General Election" Asian Survey (July/August 2009)

"정치연합이론의 시각에서 인도의 선거연맹의 이해와 분석: 새로운 삼각영역이론의 고안과 적용" 국제.지역연구 ( 2009 9)

"democracy 민주주의가 아니라 다수정이다: 공화주의와의 차이를 논하며" 비교민주주의연구 ( 2009 6)

"The Political Origins of Zulu Violence during the 1994 Democratic Transition of South Africa" Journal of International and Area Studies( December 2008)

인도 총선에서의 전략적 투표: 1996년부터 2004 선거까지 선거구 결과 분석"국제.지역연구 (2009 9)

인도의 민주주의 공고화와 정당체계의 변화에 관한 연구노트: 인도정치에 대한 연구관심의 제고를 기대하며" 국제.지역연구(2007 12)

"Institutional Interaction and Strategic Voting in Korea's New Mixed Electoral System" Journal of International and Area Studies (Winter 2006)

전략 투표율의 변화, 개인의 선호도 변화 그리고 군소후보의 쇠퇴" 국제정치논총(2006 12)

"Economic Crisis, Poverty, and the Emergence of Populism in Thailand" Journal of International and Area Studies (Summer 2005)

비교정치경제에서의 사회구조적 분석과 역사적 제도주의 간의 논쟁: 분석수준과 인과론적 우선성을 중심으로한국정치학회보(2005 6)

정당의 수에 관한 새로운 일반이론의 모색:최대득표율이론과 검증한국정치학회보(20053)

선거제도,사회구조와 정당체계:인도네시아 1955년과 1999 총선거동남아시아연구(20052)

"경제위기가 정치협력에 미치는 영향에 관한 일고찰: 힘의 균형 관점에서 비교정치경제이론의 재검토" 국가전략(2004 6)

"Strategic Voting and the Effective Number of Presidential Candidates: The Case of South Korea" Korean Political Science Review (Winter 2003)

"Capital Flows, Political Cleavages, and Economic Policy Choice: Malaysia during the Asian Economic Crisis," Southeast Asian Review(Spring 2003).

"Ethnic and Regional Politics after the Asian Economic Crisis: A Comparison of Malaysia and South Korea," Democratization(Spring 2003).

"Philippine Democracies Old and New: Elections, Term Limits, and Party Systems," Asian Survey(May/June 2001).

(With John Higley, Tong-Yi Huang, and Tse-Min Lin),"Elite Settlement and Democratic Consolidation in South Korea and Taiwan," in Chung-in Moon and Jongryn Mo, eds., Democratization and Globalization in Korea: Assessments and Prospects(Seoul:Yonsei University Press,1999).

Professional Experience and Activities

*Research Associate, HyunDai Research Institute(HRI), Seoul Korea, 1992.

*Research Associate, The First Economic Research Institute(FERI), Seoul Korea, 1993.

*Post-doc Fellow, Center for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden, for 2001-2202.

* Senior Research Fellow, Presidential Policy Planning Commission of the Republic of Corea, Seoul Corea. from 08/2002 to 08/2003

*Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Konkuk University, Seoul Korea from 09/2004 to 08/2008

*Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Konkuk University, Seoul Korea from 09/2008 to 08/2013

*Research Fellow(w/ stipend), Center for Asian Democracy, University Louisville (Kentucky, USA) for August 2009- June 2010.

*Professor, Department of Political Science, Konkuk University, Seoul Korea since 09/2013

Fellowships and Grants

2008. POSCO T. J. Park Foundation Research Fellowship

2005, 2007, and 2008 Korea Research Foundation Fellowships

September 2002      APSA Travel Grant for International Studies

Summer 2001      Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute Fellowship

Fall 2000- Summer 2001      Continuing University Tuition Fellowship

July    2000      APSA Travel Grant for Advanced Graduate Students

January 2000      Professional Development Award

December 1999      International Education Fee Scholarship

October 1999      Korean Honor Scholarship

September 1999      Macdonald Dissertation Fellowship

July    1999      APSA Travel Grant for Advanced Graduate Students

September 1998      Patterson Research Fellowship

October 1995      Korean Honor Scholarship

My Favorite Websites

Learn Foreign Languages: Indonesian

Why? Because Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world, the fourth most populous country, and, above all, one of our neighboring countries

Start here
Speaking Indonesian in seven days
"Inside Indonesia"
Selected Topics
Indonesian-English Dictionary
Other links to Indonesia

Asian News

Jakarta Post
Bangkok Post
South China Morning Post
Utusan Malaysia
New Straits Times
The Philippine Star
Manila Times
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Manila Bulletin
New York Times

Korean News

Korea Herald


Library of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handbook Series
Economic Glossary

PACIFIC Exchange Rate Information
Social Weather Stations

Global or Regional Organizations

The World Bank
International Monetary Fund
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
Asia Society
Bank for International Settlements

Last updated on June 1st, 2023.